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Overcoming Challenges as a Rural Pastor’s Wife

October 16, 2024 -- Shasta Deas


In the fall of 2023, our family moved to a very rural area for my husband to pastor a small congregation. At the time, we had two small children. We didn’t know anyone within several hours’ distance. There was a gas station and Dollar General in our town, but not much else to be noted. 

Since moving here, I’ve found myself saying: 

“Life would be so much easier if family was nearby.” 

“There is so little for our family in this area.” 

“How will we ever find friends?” 

“Was it really worth it for our family to move here?”

While I don’t have all the answers to these questions, I do know that all of them point to me trying to decide what’s best for my life. We may imagine plans, thinking our ideas are better suited for our lives, but ultimately, we must rest, knowing that God has a purpose for placing us where we are. He has a plan for our lives and our desire should be to follow His plan so that all the honor and glory is given to Him. 

On this earth, my husband and children are the most important people to me. Serving in a rural community gives me the opportunity to eliminate so many distractions. I am able to prioritize the people who are dearest to me. I can enjoy my children in simple ways. Time can be given to my husband to support and help in our ministry. The close-knit time with those we love is a treasure. 

Many people experience loneliness in ministry. Thankfully, our world today makes it possible to connect with friends long distance. Dearest friends are a FaceTime away! Even though it may not be an in-person coffee date, it’s important to cherish those friendships that encourage and point us to our Heavenly Father. One of the greatest blessings we have experienced, since we have moved to this rural area, is encouragement from dear friends who do not live here, but still connect, pray and strengthen me. Friendship truly is a gift. 

If you are in a rural area and trying to find answers for overcoming obstacles, I challenge you to turn outward. If you are searching for connection, take the first step to reaching out. Your mindset can shift from unsettled to one of gratitude.  Fight the temptation to isolate and pity yourself. Remembering that our purpose here on earth is to bring others to Christ will put all inconsequential things in their place. God didn’t place you where you are by mistake, but for a purpose. 

Find encouragement in these Scriptures today:

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24)

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." (Colossians 3:2)


Shasta is a pastor’s wife, and stay at home mom to Liam, Leyla, and Theo. Her family is from East Tennessee and they now serve at Middlebury Baptist Church in Middlebury Center, PA. She graduated from Crown College with a bachelor’s in elementary education. After graduating, Shasta worked for her pastor as a personal assistant until she and Brandon married in 2018. 


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